Preparation & Integration


Traditionally, the preparation and integration of sacred medicine work happens on its own during day to day community activities. As indigenous people, we don’t often see ourselves as separate from our environment and culture. We value our intrinsic interconnected nature with our environment and make an effort to maintain healthy relations not only with other humans, but plants, animals, the land, the water, our food, our sacred instruments, and any physical manifestation of spirit. Before and after ceremony, we work, eat, play, sing, pray, and live our sacred lives together. Our community life is weaved in our physical and spiritual experience as one, which allows for the acceptance of challenge and assimilation of change.

Community living provides indigenous people with human warmth, connection, and safety during peak spiritual experiences at the time of ceremony and after. Our culture is the base of our sacred practices and provides the container needed to integrate our spiritual healing. Unfortunately, many western cultures have lost the sense of community and the benefits of it. Therefore, as you step further into our sacred ways with mother medicine and visit our community, we would like to invite you to develop new friendships with people who have experienced the ways of the earth protectors, and stay in touch with us. This facilitates the integration of your work here.

As part of our community support, Kuthoomi extends his loving container to you by offering Limpias in Boulder, Colorado and counseling sessions online to prepare you and/or support your integration. His gentle heart, years of experience in the psychotherapy and transpersonal field, and his deep respect for his heritage, will illuminate your path. He will support you in weaving your ceremonial experiences and invite you to invoke sacredness in your day-to-day life. Sessions can be booked as part of the retreat or at any time regardless of your participation. These are offered as single sessions or packages.




Ayahuasca Tele-Counseling

Sacred medicine work is a path that requires surrendering control and learning to trust the medicine. This process begins prior to each ceremony and is ongoing. When you come from a western lifestyle, you may naturally experience fear, anxiety, lack of understanding, cultural clashes, and an overall lack of clarity in the path you are stepping on.

These series of preparatory and integrative sessions are a safe space to dive into all of your questions, explore your concerns, regulate your emotions, and to learn the skills needed to safely navigate your process and make sense of your ceremonies. Through a multicultural and inclusive lens, we will weave together your transpersonal experience with your day to day life, whether you are new on this path or an experienced medicine sibling.

  • $175 USD for 50 min. Sliding scale available for BIPOCs and Low income.



In the process of a limpia, or energy cleansing/ spiritual healing, you will experience traditional songs (icaros), flower essences, Palo Santo and sacred tobacco soplada (the blowing of smoke to clean and clear). South American Yachaks (shamans) understand that personal and social challenges are the result of a life disconnected from spirit and the disruption in our relationship to ourselves and others (inclusive of environment). This disconnection often derives from unresolved ancestral and personal history (trauma). In order to help you restore wellness, a Yachak walks both the physical and the spiritual realms, facilitating the repair of your connection and relationship to spirit. Soul retrievals and generational healing is a common experience of this work.

This is a deepening and integrative healing work offered to Colorado residents.

$185 USD, approximately 45 min. Sliding scale available for BIPOCs and Low income.


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Please complete the form below. I will get back to you shorty to set a free 20 min informative video call.